
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

All About Addie

She LOVES toothbrushes. It seems to be her toy of choice these days! The words that Adele uses daily! Hi Baby Eye Nose Teeth Please Marley More Mommy Daddy Butt (this is what she calls all bellies...) Knee Puppy Yum Yum Sock Feet Hot Uh-oh Dance Shoe
The other night I was reading Adele the story in the Book of Mormon about Abinadi and King Noah. Abinadi was prophesying about the birth of the Savior. There was a picture of Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus. Adele pointed out the picture of Mary and kept saying, "Mommy, mommy!" It was so sweet to hear her recognize the mother of the Savior! I love these mommy moments...literally!

Other Cute Things About Adele:

  • Anytime she hears any kind of music or beat she starts to dance

  • When she wakes up in the morning, she can't decide which thing she wants more, 'Mommy' or 'Yum Yums'

  • Ring around the rosy is a favorite game, especially the 'all fall down' part

  • She knows where her eyes, ears, nose, hair, teeth, belly, knees, and toes are and loves showing you where yours are too!

  • If you tell her to be soft she gently strokes your face

  • She gives the cutest open mouthed kisses

  • When we are on walks she raises her right hand and waves at the cars that pass by, just like her daddy. She now waves at any car, whether it is in the parking lot or if she just hears it pass by.

Happy 3rd Anniversary to Us!

Today we were married in Boise, ID three years ago! I couldn't have asked for a better husband and father. I love him more and more each day! Last night before going to bed I was remembering when we decided we were going to get married. Boy, were we young and innocent! I can't believe that the world lets such young people make such HUGE decisions! There isn't a day that goes by that I am not thankful for him marrying me!

Thanks to my mom and dad, we spent the weekend in Duluth, MN on the shore of Lake Superior without Adele. We had a beautiful hotel room where our door opened right onto the Lake. One of the highlights was being able to see a ship come into the harbor. We ordered pizza and ate it on the pier while it came in. It was so nice to spend time together, but I think Adele grew a foot while we were gone!

I love you so much Travis, and I can't wait to spend FOREVER with you!