
Monday, October 24, 2011

Girls Weekend 2011: West Coast Style!

Yeah for Girls Weekend 2011!!! Riana conveniently scheduled her visit to Yakima to be at the same time Bronco was returning to his Alma mater!!! Thanks for the GREAT seats Ri!
 Adele loved Cosmo from afar, but when we called him over for a photo-op she was a little less in that pure terror in her face!?! Go Cougars!
Great to have the BYU groupies back together again...missing our Ty Ty! Mike was up visiting his family in Portland so we were able to sit by them at the game!
 Seattle!! Adele and I drove up to pick Riana up from Seattle and to see some of the sites.
We first hit up Pike Place Market and loved it!
 The Pumpkin Spice Creamer kept calling our tastes just like fall! We asked a lady to take our picture and after doing so she handed us her camera and in broken English asked us to take a picture of her and Adele because, 'baby smile at me! baby like me!" Adele sure is a charmer!
 Gotta love the original in Seattle!
 Loved seeing the fish being thrown, sitting on the pig, the fresh flowers, and the FOOD! We definitely ate our way through the weekend! Great French Deli, and Russian Bakery...I am getting hungry just thinking about it!
We thought it would be a good idea to make a baby barricade so Adele could get some sleep. Didn't work out too well, baby insomnia set in and Adele finally fell asleep at 5 am after watching Tangled over and over! I am too old to keep up those kind of late nights!
 This girl knows how to dance - Justin Bieber style! 'Oh Baby' She loved the 'road trip!'
 Mmmm, tasty! Burgerville!!!
 Multnomah Falls - Portland, OR

 Our little bellhop!
So many tickets!!! Good thing Riana knows EVERYONE!
Parking lot outside Voodoo
 Waiting patiently for her first Voodoo Doughnut and charming the crowd!
Voodoo Doughnuts: Local tourist trap and so much more! Rumor was that the mango tango is the one to get! We were not disappointed! Mmmmm, YUM!

Thanks Ri for coming out and thinking I am still cool enough to do a girls weekend! So fun to include Adele in the tradition! Looking forward to the next BYU game!

Dewey Lake Hike

In September my friend Anna and I drove up to Mount Rainer National Park and went on a day hike down to Dewey Lake. Adele was so fun to take with! She sang and giggled, and smiled the whole trip...except when she fell asleep on the hike back out! She loved 'hiking!' It was breathtaking to see Mt. Rainer, the wildflowers, the lake. There were huckleberry's along the trail that we picked and enjoyed. We couldn't have asked for a more perfect day! Wish our husbands could have enjoyed it with us!

Summer in Yakima

 One of the many things that we enjoy about Yakima is the weather! It was a nice and hot summer so Adele spent time in her pool in our backyard as well as at the public pool in Moxee. She sure is our little minnow, loving the water!
 Travis still makes time to watch some Boise State games and we do our best to support the team by wearing blue and orange. Whenever Adele sees the color orange she says, 'Boise!' Her dad is so proud!
 Adele loves to have her toes and fingers painted pink! Whenever she sees anyone she has to tell them about her painted fingers and rip her socks and shoes off to show them her toes. What a little girl we have! So fun to be her mama!
 A friend of mine wanted to go kayaking so we took our little kids and set off to find a place. We checked a place out the day before and made plans to go. As we were carrying our kids, kayak, life vests, and paddles we realized that it was a lot farther in than we had remembered. Adele walked the whole 3/4 of a mile in! I couldn't believe it. We went to this little man made lake off the green way to just see how we would do with two kids in the kayak. We left our kayak bag, camera, shoes, and misc. gear on shore thinking that it would never be out of our site and it was hidden in the bushes so people walking by wouldn't notice it. WE WERE WRONG. After one lap around the lake we came to check on our stuff and it was GONE. My heart stopped! I had heard Yakima had a lot of crime, but I didn't think it would affect me. My friend Anna got out and went to see if she could find anyone who had seen anything. As she hobbled barefooted to a fishing dock she found someone who had taken our bag, riffled through it, and luckily returned it to us! What a relief....however, I learned my lesson and am much more careful now.
My Aunt Dawn and Uncle Kris live about 1 1/2 from us so we get to spend lots of time with them. Adele ADORES them and I am sure the feeling is mutual. They spoil us so much! Words can't even express how kind they are to us. Having them here has made all the difference in enjoying our time here! I am loving living so close to them!

Williams Family Vacation 2011: Oregon Coast

 This year for the Williams Family Vacation we all met on the Oregon Coast! I love that we live so close because I want to go again. It was so BEAUTIFUL. We rented a great vacation rental with amazing beach access! Adele loved the 'beach' 'water' 'sand'.
 The guys went deep sea fishing and put seasickness patches on before they left...this is them pretending to be sick! The brought back AMAZING fish and crab...mmmmm, love the freshness of the west coast!
Annual family picture...too bad the Bish's weren't there to make us look good!

Four Generations

Adele is lucky enough to have great-grandmas alive on both sides and both were living in Bemidji while we were there! So great to be able to have her be around her grandmas and grandpas!

Adele's First Camping Trip

Travis, my parents and I took Adele on her first camping trip in June. I know that it is crazy that it has been over a year since we have gone camping so it was long over due. She LOVED the tents and was so excited to be excited in fact that sleeping was not on the agenda. I was trying to get her to sleep in our tent and she started screaming, 'Daddy, help, daddy!' Not something you want to hear walking by a tent in a campground! She sure knows how to play us! We went to Lake Bemidji State Park and since there were lots of other campers we ended up taking her on a drive to fall asleep in her carseat. It was so great to spend time with my parents and enjoy Lake Bemidji before we moved.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Canadian Fishing Trip

Before we moved from Minnesota, Travis and my dad when on a fly-in fishing trip to Canada. It was so fun to see them prepare for the trip together. They caught all their own bait and salted the minnows before they left. Adele loved watching the minnows 'slow down' in the salt water and has earned herself the nickname, 'minnow!' If you can't tell by the smiles on their faces they had an AMAZING time! LOTS of fishing was much that I am lucky to have some pictures from the trip! So happy that my dad and Travis get along so well. Next time I insist to let them let me tag along!

White Coat Ceremony

On September 17th Travis had a White Coat Ceremony at the Capitol Theatre. It was so neat to listen to his professors and other students speak about the traditions of medical school and to be a part of the tradition of receiving his white coat. It felt similar to a graduation, but we still have a long way to go before that will happen! Loved being inside the historic Capitol Theatre! (Doesn't he look handsome in his white coat!?!)

Yakima, Washington Welcomes Us

 We moved to Yakima in July and are LOVING it!! Yakima boasts 300 days of sunshine, and I don't think they were kidding! The weather is beautiful, we love our apartment, we love our friends, neighbors, ward. Besides the goatheads that give me flat tires on the stroller, I don't think there is much about Yakima that we don't like. Travis started medical school at the beginning of August and is loving that too! There is just a whole lotta love going on in the Williams home!