
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Canadian Fishing Trip

Before we moved from Minnesota, Travis and my dad when on a fly-in fishing trip to Canada. It was so fun to see them prepare for the trip together. They caught all their own bait and salted the minnows before they left. Adele loved watching the minnows 'slow down' in the salt water and has earned herself the nickname, 'minnow!' If you can't tell by the smiles on their faces they had an AMAZING time! LOTS of fishing was much that I am lucky to have some pictures from the trip! So happy that my dad and Travis get along so well. Next time I insist to let them let me tag along!


  1. what a fun life you have! Med School eh? The race begins, who will be a doctor first, Richard or Travis?! =) Too bad Richard will only be a PhD of Nuclear Engineering, which is code for mad scientist! Not as prestigious as a REAL doctor! I hope you continue to love your new home and all the adventures that come with this pathway in life. In the end, you will LOVE the journey that you've made together!

  2. That is a powerful pike! I am so happy you posted these. Next time fly to Florida and we can go after sailfish or something crazy like that. Hope you guys are doing great!
